Static and Dynamic Footprint Analysis among Young Indigenous Izzi Male Adults Residing in Abakaliki Metropolis
Footprints, Static, DynamicAbstract
BACKGROUND: Footprint is a mark left behind by an individual while walking or standing which is an important tools in crime investigation.
METHODOLOGY: The present study was carried out in Abakaliki and 300 male subjects between ages of 18-30years participated in this research exercise. Each Subjects height were measured and asked to stand on an endorsement ink poured on a slab before undergoing static and dynamic footprints exercise of seven step walkway protocol using a white duplicating paper. The white duplicating paper was arranged on a floor and each subject footprint were obtained. The Footprint length (FTL), Footprint breadth ball (FBB) and Foot breadth at heel (FBH) were measured from the imprint left on the white duplicating paper of each subjects using a meter rule and pencil. The measurements were expressed in centimeters and analyzed into mean±standard and correlation coefficients using IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25.0. The significant level was set as P>0.01.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The result shows slightly greater values in static footprint measurements than dynamic footprint and the result were significant. The studies is significance in ergonomics footwear designing.

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