
Article Processing Charges

Article Processing Charges (APC) constitutes the central mechanism for funding the open access based scholarly publishing. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy (JECA) applies minimal APC which covers the overall editorial work flow, production, long-term hosting thereby allowing permanently unrestricted online access to the published works.

Why do we charge APCs?

There is no charge to submit paper, but publishing a paper in Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy (JECA) requires article Processing Charges. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy (JECA)  is Open Access. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy (JECA)   is a self-supporting journal and does not receive funding from any government institution/organization. Hence, the operation of the journal is solely financed by the publication fees of the authors. Open access, enabling far greater distribution of an author's work than the traditional subscription-based publishing model, allows all interested readers to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription, which can greatly increase the impact of their work. There is hence no income at JECA that comes from selling any forms of subscriptions to this electronic version of journal or from pay-per-view fees. In order to cover the costs induced by editorial procedures, routine operation of the journals, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, and the provision and maintenance of a publication infrastructure, the publication costs of an article are paid from an author's research budget, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Article Processing Charges. These Article Processing Charges replace subscription charges and allow publishers to make the full-text of every published article freely available to all interested readers.

What do the article-processing charges pay for?

Article-processing charges pay for:

Editorial procedures

Immediate, worldwide open access to the full article text

Processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews

Preparation in various formats for online publication

Enabling electronic citation in other journals that are available electronically

Routine operation of the journals

The provision and maintenance of a publication infrastructure

Payment within Nigeria (for authors residing in Nigeria only)

Article processing charge of N35,000.00 naira per article is paid only after the peer review process is complete, and it is accepted into the Journal’s account stated in the acceptance letter.

Payment for International  authors

Article processing charge of 40 USD per article is paid only after the peer review process is complete, and it is accepted into the Journal’s offshore account stated in the acceptance letter.