Radiological Classification of Adult Skulls Using Alveolar Index among Nigerians Residing Within the South-South Geopolitical Zone
Alveolar Index, Prognathious, Mesognathious, OrthognathiousAbstract
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Understanding skeletal patterns is essential for choosing a proper treatment mechanics as well as understanding different populations all over the world. This radiological imaging study was carried out to evaluate, classify and document sex and age differences in terms of alveolar index in South-south geopolitical zone of Nigeria.
METHODOLOGY: A total of 627 (379 males and 248 females) normal lateral skull radiographs images were used, with ages ranging between 18 and 100years, obtained from the archives (2009-2016) of five different hospitals, all within the south-south geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The 627 radiographs were divided into five age groups for both the males and females. To determine the alveolar index, the Basion-prosthion and Basion-nasion distance were measured using a millimeter rule and the ratio between them calculated in percentage. All radiographs were certified normal as contained in the medical report.
RESULTS: The mean basion – prosthion length was 107.64±9.33mm for males and 108.07±7.90 for females, basion-nasion length was 101.85±9.12mm for males, 102.51±7.77mm for females. The mean alveolar index was 105.73±2.54% for males and 105.47±1.74% for females. The findings of this study however, shows that Nigerians are predominantly prognathous with alveolar index value greater than 103. It also shows that Basion-Prosthion length, Basion-nasion length and Alveolar index can be used as age determinant.
CONCLUSION: The data from this study will serve as an important tool in the hands of maxillofacial surgeons, Orthodontists and aesthetic anatomist in facial reconstruction purposes.

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