The Nigerian human anatomist and the emerging forensic challenges
Over the years, as an Anatomist, in Nigeria I have taken part and also seen many works and researches by us, in the field of anthropometry that can qualify us as Forensic Scientists. Our different contributions can qualify us to adopt the term “Forensic Anthropometrics. These works are in the areas of Somatometry, Cephelometry, Craniometry and Osteometry. Somatometry ‑ involves measurement in the living body and cadaver. It measures variability in human biology and has a comparative focus in variations within and among populations. These measurements could be used to estimate Age and Stature. Osteometry ‑ is the measurement of skeletal (bone) parts. This technique has been used variously to estimate stature, sex, race and age which are the “big four” of forensic anthropology. Various studies have been conducted, and many are in progress in many of our departments.

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