Relationship between Some Anthropometric Parameters with Menarche and Dysmenorrhea among Adolescents Secondary School Girls in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria
dysmenorrhea, menarche, body mass index, percentage body fatsAbstract
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) is throbbing, aching cramps in the lower belly which can strike right before and during menstruation. Most adolescents experiencing dysmenorrhea have primary dysmenorrhea, i.e. without pelvic pathology. The study aimed to determine the relationship between some anthropometric parameters with menarche and dysmenorrhea among adolescent secondary school girls in Kano Metropolis. A total of 1141 secondary school girls participated in the study: 742 students from public school and 399 from private school. A convenient study was conducted on students aged 11 – 19 years old. Relevant data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire after which some anthropometric measurements, including weight, height, waist circumference, and hip, determine the relationship between body mass index, hips-to-waist ratio and percentage of circumference, triceps skin fold, thigh skin fold, supra iliac skin fold and subscapular skin fold were done. The mean age at menarche was 13.51±1.18 years, the mean menarcheal age of students from public school was 13.75±1.25 years, while the mean menarcheal age of students from private school was 13.08±0.9 years. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 77%, with 43% mild pain, 25% moderate pain, 7% severe pain and 2% worst pain. In conclusion, menarcheal age showed a significant positive correlation with age, total body fat, and body mass index and an inverse correlation with weight, hip circumference and waist circumference; subjects with higher body mass index, waist circumference, and percentage of body fats have a higher incidence of dysmenorrhea.

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