Influence of aqueous leave extract of Newbouldia laevis on cadmium chloride -induced toxicity in pituitary-testicular axis of rats
Newbouldia laevis, Cadmium chloride, Semen analysis, Sex hormone, HistologyAbstract
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Cadmium (Cd), a natural element of the earth’s crust, induce reproductive dysfunction through oxidative stress. Newbouldia laevis is a free radical scavenger. Our study investigated the effect of aqueous leaf extract of Newbouldia laevis (NBL) on cadmium chloride-induced toxicity in pituitary-testicular axis of adult male Wistar rats.
METHODOLOGY: 25 male Wistar rats weighing 130-180g were divided into 5 groups of 5 rats each; control (distilled water), 3mg/kg body weight of CdCl2, 3mg/kg body weight of CdCl2 + 300mg/kg body weight of NBL, 3mg/kg body weight of CdCl2 + 450mg/kg body weight of NBL, 3mg/kg body weight of CdCl2 + 600mg/kg body weight of NBL Newbouldia laevis was administered orally and a single dose of 3mg/kg body weight of CdCl2 subcutaneously both for 4 weeks. Semen analysis was evaluated, also the serum was used for the oxidative stress markers, sex hormones and histoarchitecture of the testes were evaluated.
RESULTS: There was a dose-dependent effect of NBL on the semen analysis and sex hormones when compared to the CdCl2 group. NBL significantly (P˂0.05) increased SOD, CAT, GSH activities, and decreased Malondialdehyde when compared to the CdCl2 group; and it was dose-dependent effect. Histologically; at the dose of 300mg/kg body weight, there was degeneration in the seminiferous tubules, widening of interstitial spaces and testicular necrosis; while at 450mg/kg body weight, there was a reduced portion of seminiferous epithelial diameter, no germ cells at any spermatogenic phases, cluster of Leydig cells seen in the interstitial space, degenerative changes of seminiferous tubule and reduction in the diameter of the seminiferous tubule. However, at the dose of 600 mg/kg body weight; the testes revealed seminiferous tubules with increased diameters, present of Sertoli cells around the basement membrane, spermatozoa are seen in the lumen of seminiferous tubule while cluster of Leydig cells are present in the interstitial space.
CONCLUSION: Newbouldia laevis extracts produces a reversal of the deleterious effect of cadmium chloride on the testis at a higher dose. There is the possibility for the future use of NBL as an inhibitory agent of infertility.

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