A regression analysis to determine personal stature from craniofacial parameters of idoma tribe in Nigeria
Craniofacial parameter, Idoma tribe, Otukpo, regression analysisAbstract
BACKGROUND: Stature reconstruction from skeletal remains forms part of forensic investigations in anthropology for the purpose of individual identifications. Despite a growing number of forensic cases in Idomaland, a very little work has been done to document stature estimation among modern Idoma people.
AIM: This study aimed to determine stature from anthropometric parameters and generate a regression model among Idoma tribe in Nigeria.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 300 healthy individuals of Idoma tribe were randomly selected. Out of which, 155 males and 145 females aged 15–18 years from Methodist High Schools in Otukpo participated in the study. Measurements were taken with the help of standard instruments. Stature and six parameters (head length, head width, bizygomatic distance, nasal length, nasal width, and facial height) were determined to the nearest centimeters.
RESULTS: The nasal width was higher in males than females. In addition, the nasal length was higher in males than females while bizygomatic distance was close in values among both sexes with a significance level of P < 0.05. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and linear regression equations were derived for male and females separately for all individuals in the study group. Stature was higher in males than females in perfect distribution (174.38 and 156.35, respectively). The facial height was higher in males than females (11.57 and 11.00, respectively). Although it was not significant (P < 0.05), the parameter expressed a higher value. The simple Pearson’s correlation (r) was high in bizygomatic distance and low in nasal width (r = 0.28 and 0.05, respectively) of males, while nasal width was low (r = 0.12) and head width was high (r = 0.38) in females. There was a statistically significant level in head length for both males and females (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Facial height, nasal length, and bizygomatic distance had statistically significant weak positive correlation with stature for both Idoma males and females. Human stature cannot be predicted from cephalofacial variables.

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