A study of the variations of positions of vermiform appendix in appendicitis patients in Northern Ethiopia
Appendicitis, position, vermiform appendixAbstract
Background: Vermiform appendix is a narrow, worm‑shaped tube on the posteromedial side of the cecum near ileocecal junction. It has immunological function and shows a variation in position and length in individual from different countries. Knowledge of these variations is important during surgical interventions. Objectives: To assess the positions of appendix and its associations with age and sex of the patients. Materials and Methods: Cross‑sectional study was conducted from 2013 to 2014 on 154 patients who underwent appendectomy in the University of Gondar; College of Medicine and Health Sciences Referral Hospital and Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital; Bahir Dar. The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS version 16 and P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Result: Retrocecal appendix was found to be the most common (72.73%), followed by pelvic (11.69%), preileal (10.39%), and subcecal (5.19%). Postileal position was not observed in this study. The association between age of the patients and the occurrence of appendicitis was statistically significant (P < 0.05) while the association between sex and position of appendix was not. Conclusion: This study noted the retrocecal position of the appendix to be the most common position. While statistically significant association was noted between age of the patients and the occurrence of appendicitis none was established between sex and position of appendix.

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