Normal values of foot arch parameters in adult Hausa population of Nigeria
Arch, foot, Hausa population, measurement, parametersAbstract
Background: Deformities of foot arches have been implicated in various lower extremity injuries. Normal values of foot arch parameters have been studied in various populations. However, studies in Nigerian population are very limited and therefore require attention. Objective: The objectives of this study were to establish the normal values of foot arch parameters in adult Hausa population of Nigeria, to find the effect of gender on these parameters and to make comparison with previous studies in other populations. Materials and Methods: A total of 59 consented subjects (44 males, 15 females) that have no history of lower extremity deformity were recruited. Lateral radiograph of the right foot of each participant was taken in a bilateral standing position. For the medial longitudinal arch, navicular height (NH), first cuneiform height (FCH), calcaneal inclination angle (CIA), and calcaneal‑first metatarsal angle (C1MA) were measured. Cuboid height (CH) and calcaneal‑fifth metatarsal angle (C5MA) were measured for the lateral longitudinal arch. Measurements for angles and heights were performed using a universal plastic goniometer and a plastic ruler, respectively. Results: The mean (standard deviation [SD]) value of the NH was found to be 2.89 (0.54) cm, FCH 2.08 (0.44) cm, CIA 16.57° (3.30°), and C1MA 140.05° (5.63°). The mean (SD) of CH and C5MA was found to be 1.19 (0.31) cm and 160.96° (4.69°), respectively. There was no significant mean difference in those parameters between males and females. Conclusion: The mean values of foot arch parameters in adult Hausa population of Nigeria is comparable to previous studies on other populations, but generally lower than those of Caucasians. Similarly, our findings showed that gender has no significant effect on foot arch parameters.

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