Gross Anatomical Modelling: University of Port Harcourt Experience
Specimen, Sculpturing, CommercialAbstract
Anatomical Modelling is the production of three-dimensional representation of the human body using design from different materials. The concept has been brought to the fore due to difficulty in obtaining and preserving cadavers and the attendant overcrowding in dissecting rooms, variations present in cadaveric specimen and the need to learn layout to recreate common surgical operations. The methodology involved a collaborative research between the Department of Anatomy and that of Fine Arts and Design, using a combination of clinical and studio approach in the production of models of various body parts for students of the Health Sciences and Biology. Transverse sections were also drawn out to demonstrate the three-dimensional view of particular body parts, thereby enhancing the value of the model. It is our hope that more improved models would he produced at more affordable prices and at commercial quantities, to make them more available and meet the needs of our Universities and Health Institutions and in line with the National Universities Commission's (NUC) guideline on saleable research. The products have been exhibited in the Conference of the Anatomical Society of Nigeria which held in Abraka. Delta State in September 2006.
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