Some Effects of a Diet Containing Leaves of Anchomanes difformis on the Liver of Adult Wistar Rats
Crude Extract, Leaves, Anchomanes Difformis, Liver, Wistar RatsAbstract
Crude extract of the leaves of Anchomanes difformis was investigated via oral route on the liver of twenty-four adult Wistar rats of both sexes, weighing 200g-250g. They were randomly categorized into four experimental groups A, B, C and D; of six rats per group (n=6). Group A rats received 100% feed mash and served as the control group, while treatment groups B, C and D received mixed diet of feed mash and the crude extract of Anchomanes difformis at 75%, 50% and 25% w/w respectively. All groups received water ad libitum. Treatment lasted for twenty one days duration during which the weights of the animals were noted before and after the experiment. The animals were sacrificed after the duration of treatment, the liver excised, and fixed in 10% buffered formal saline and thereafter processed for routine Haematoxylin and Eosin staining. Results revealed significant difference (P<0.5) in the weights of the animals in group B and C compared with their initial weights. Also dose dependent histopathologic lesions such as portal congestion, chronic inflammation, periportal fibrosis and bile duct degeneration were noticed in the treatments; with group B recording the greatest severity. This suggests need for cautious use of the plant especially by practitioners of herbal remedy.

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