Equipping the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions for Meaningful Technological Development: Anatomy as a Case Study
Anatomy, Equipping, Tertiary institutionsAbstract
Anatomy as a core descriptive science requires dedicated, hardworking and disciplined group of scientists and well equipped instruments to expose the ultrastructure of cells, tissues and organs of organisms. The Anatomists under the umbrella of Society of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy for example have been diligent and steadfast in trying to advance the course of anatomy in the subregion within reams of their limited technological availability. Since the inception of the society a decade ago, the society has been visiting respective universities demonstrating their know-how during the conferences by presentation of different research works conducted by members which are published regularly in their scientific journal and in other journals. This focused unity of purpose is the driving force in promoting the society ahead of other Anatomical societies in the country.

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