SECAN at 10: Underpinning the Frontiers of Anatomy in Medical Education
Frontiers, Anatomy, Medical EducationAbstract
The health of a scientific society is reflected on two key areas: the success of its annual meetings and the regularity of its outreach (via journal, newsletter etc.). The tenth scientific congress of SECAN which comes up between 24th-26th March 2011 at Enugu Coal City promises to hold a robust interactive session for scientists especially the place of anatomy in medical education.
The Theme - Medical Education in the New Millennium is apt to draw insights into the frontiers anatomy in medical education. The sub-theme of SECAN at ten (Enugu Coal City 2011) congress which is - Molecular anatomy and Gene therapy - will also offer an opportunity to explore the inseparable relationships of anatomy in the development of molecular medicine. Both the theme and sub-theme of the tenth SECAN congress is geared towards underpinning the basic facts of anatomy in medical education.
The great strides of SECAN congresses have become insparable from the active -status of the society’s official journal - The Journal of experimental and Clinical Anatomy (JECA). Coinciding with SECAN’s ten years anniversary is JECA’s uninterrupted and systematic journal production for the past decade. With active visibility though African Journal On-line, African Index Medicus and SECAN website, JECA has maintained high standard peer-reviewed publication of articles in diverse areas of the anatomy of man and animals. The current anniversary issue has, in addition to high quality articles included the abstracts of JECA publication since its debut. Our founding President, Prof. FC, Akpuaka reviews the trends in Anatomy Education and adds his views on the current issue of approaches to the teaching of Anatomy for meaningful medical education. From all indications the tenth scientific congress of SECAN promises to be a gathering of scientists to promote anatomy research and scholarship in Nigerian and beyond. All past Presidents of the society are expected in the Coal City. The gathering will represent a place where the society can establish goals and refocus on existing ones for the next decide. The present period offers an exciting and challenging time for the anatomical sciences. In the usual words of the SECAN founding President - “We must work enthusiastically to keep alive and preserve our anatomy disciple”.

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