Pattern of Certain Anthropometric Parameters of Apparently Healthy Young Adult Nigerians: Implications for Cardiovascular Diseases and Assessment of Obesity
Anthropometric parameters, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, Waist Hip Ratio (WHR), obesity, cardiovascular diseasesAbstract
The pattern of certain anthropometric parameters of the medical students at Abia State University, Uturu Nigeria were studied with a view to determining their implication for cardiovascular diseases and obesity. A total of eighty (80) medical students made up of forty-five (45) males and thirty-five females aged between 19 30 years were studied. Their waist, hip circumferences, height, body mass index (BMI) and arterial blood pressure were estimated using standard procedures. The results showed that 88.8 percent had BMI indicative of normal range; 18.7 percent were overweight while 2.5 percent had class 1 obesity. It was observed that 12.5 percent were both underweight and overweight respectively within the age range data. Students with normal weights had normal blood pressures while the overweight ones had blood pressure ranges indicating high blood pressure. It is probable that the overweight and obese students in this study could develop cardiovascular diseases and worsen obesity with a predisposition to severe heart conditions if they are not checked.

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