Traumatic Ruptured Diaphragm: A Clinical Diagnostic Dilemma


  • K.K. Agwuna Department of Radiology, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria. Author
  • G.E. Anyanwu Department of Anatomy College of Health Sciences, Enugu State University, Enugu State, Nigeria Author
  • A.I. Ugochukwu Department of Anatomy College of Health Sciences, Enugu State University, Enugu State, Nigeria Author


Traumatic, Rupture, Diaphragm


Sequel to a car crash, Chief A, a 52-year old banker presented in the Orthopaedic Unit of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu with fracture right forearm bones and minor bruises in the abdomen and buttocks. His fractured right forearm was treated surgically and patient was discharged. A month later, Chief A developed breathlessness and was therefore re-admitted in same hospital where radiological survey including plain chest radiography and tailored barium meal revealed a hitherto clinically Occult rupture left hemi-diaphragm with mediastinal shift to the contralateral side. We present this case to highlight the pleomorphism of traumatic rupture of diaphragm with emphasis on the causes, clinical presentation, complications, model of progression and different treatment options.


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Case Reports

How to Cite

Traumatic Ruptured Diaphragm: A Clinical Diagnostic Dilemma. (2005). Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy, 4(1), 25-27.