Effect of Topical Application of Zinc Oxide on Early Phase of Wound Healing
Zinc Oxide, inflammation, woundAbstract
30 Albino rats [Wistar strain] weighing between 160-240 gm., were used for the study. The animals were grouped into three with one group serving as the control and the other two groups treated with 3% and 5% zinc oxide solutions respectively. Paramedial incisions measuring about 2cm were made bilaterally under light ether anesthesia and subsequently sutured with plain catgut. Smear biopsies were taken from the wound edges at different time points and analyzed for connective tissue cell count. Results show a zinc oxide dose dependent fast response to injury with higher cell counts indicating a rapid inflammatory response, indicative of an effective wound healing process that may ultimately lead to a reduced total healing time and probably better-quality scar tissue.

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